CALC Group sp. z o.o.

In CALC Group we put all our efforts to produce the best quality of our final products. Constant knowledge development, broad spectrum of productanalysis in accredited laboratories are our main tools to achieve our goal which is trust and satisfaction of our clients. Each year sales of CALC Group products increases both national and international. Due to increased production level we extended also our storage capacities by building new warehouse and implementing proper storage system. The following aspects together with our modern fleet help us to meet the deadlines and deliver best quality of our products. All of our products are packed in 50kg (bags) or 600kg (big bags). To satisfy our clients we can consider also customized sizing. To match the expectation of our clients we developed line of certificated lime products enables plants accurate grow.

Calc Group Products

As a significant producer of calcium fertilizers, we run a responsible marketing strategy. We deliver our products throughout Poland and abroad. We care about the quality of our granulate, which is confirmed by research results and approvals. We encourage you to cooperate!

What makes us diffrent?

CALC Group is a dynamically developing production company, our capacious warehouses and our own transport fleet are the advantages appreciated by our partners.

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